About Me
Honestly, I don't know what the eff I write. Except that it's almost always suited to teenagers. My characters are usually between ages 14-18. I'm not particularly talented, honestly, but I love writing and I should do more of it. Otherwise, I can't expect to get any better, can I? Usually I have trouble with descriptions. My dialouge is usually pretty good. I don't like writing for adult characters. I never have. (I'm 21, 22 in August.) I don't really know why, I think it's because I like for my characters to grow up. *gasp* And when I try it with adults it just comes out...uh...crappy. *nods* I don't mind sticking in parents, usually it's because the character in question is being abused...yea...I'm trying to try a fantasy novel(s) I have 2 plot lines...2 potential worlds...yeesh...my characters tend to be a bit more...um...fluid in their sexuality than...'regular' people...I do have a few beginings that I really like. They're not bad. As my sn suggests I'm f*cking lazy. I'm hoping to start writing again, post something once a week maybe...don't hold me to that...seriously. This is getting a bit long...so, *poof*