Random Ramblings
"Once upon a time abstracts defined life." said heShe clung to the Gold and replied. "Materials enslaved it with lust many moons ago"His crestfallen h..
I am the master of folly escaping reality hiding in the surreal depths of fantasy betrayed and laughing on yet another fatuity for my d..
I breathe but not live,I eat but not taste, no moreWhat I see?I see bricks and wallsAnd my hungry numb mind….Not feeling, just feedingFeeding o..
Deep, disquieting, torridThe semblance so sordidIn the deepest portals of desiresRests the pleasures born of terrorsStoic face andcrystallized gazeBeh..
The laborious existence of wronged life,And stray love of deplorable essence,Empty vivacity in longing eyes,The robust one shrieking in everlasting da..
Treading quietly through the woods, We wander on our lonely paths; So close your eyes, feel something flutter inside, Spread your wings and t..
The World was still,Like before the coming of profound abstraction,when all seemed lost,Everything merging into darkness,The words eluding even the mo..
The incessant chatter of mild breeze,In trance like stance of dancing trees,Smell of wet earth calming the plains,Following the magical touch of pouri..
It was a vision, a vision ahead,To a blissful world devoid of dread, But the draconian rules of life too exist, Insinuation in seducing spaces som..