Namuh Niffa

Namuh Niffa


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chicago, IL
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westside of chicago
animal like congo
poet on stage
where the fu*k they put my bongo
on a new page
better yet a new book
im a dog
not man
cant see
then look.

im a dog.


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Posted 14 Years Ago

christmas myspace comments

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hope all is well!
here's some free services on my site to pass on to friends and who everis in need!
For Peace - Writing Cafe - Pens For Peace Writing Cafe 9:44am
PENS FOR PEACE is a non-profit org and network of writers and world citizens coming together to help bring peace into the lives of others.
Just a quick note to let you know that we just added several MP3 audios by well
known hypnotherapist Steve G. Jones for all of our members, free of charge.
This is our gift to you for being a part of Pens For Peace. We appreciate you
all for joining and being a part of this site/campaign.

You will find the following hypnoisis audios on our music player located on the
home page of the writing cafe, beneath Blog Posts:

1. Paralinear Positive Attitude
2. Unlimit'd Creativity
3. Overcome Writer's Block
4. Self Esteem
5. Stress Relief
6. Relieve Depression
7. Increase Energy
8. Pain Management
9. Stop Smoking

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Posted 16 Years Ago

well, it all comes down to seeing the sounds, sythesia so to speak...people don't know, my music tells you what to do

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Posted 16 Years Ago


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Posted 16 Years Ago

talk to me to me!!

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Posted 16 Years Ago


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Well, put it this way...I sat with rosa parks, marched with dr. king
ran with Obama (and s**t shook his hand in highschool)
Guess that means all there is left for me to do is fly

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Posted 16 Years Ago

thanks for the review, but you already know you have a sick flow.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

woof woof.

somebody throw this poor dog a bone so he'll stop beggin.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

you're back?
