Eddie Davis : Writing

Practical Magic -- The Practical Magicians Guild Chronicles -- Book 1

Practical Magic -- The Practical Magicians Guild C..

A Book by Eddie Davis

Muld Mozzil's dream of bringing the conveniences and advancements of Practical Magic to Westmark was becoming a reality with the opening of the Practi..
Our Avalon

Our Avalon

A Poem by Eddie Davis

A ten word challenge entry, this time prose rather than a poem.
Life Convenes

Life Convenes

A Poem by Eddie Davis

An entry for a 10 words I give contest -- rhymed in the order they were given.
I am the Stranger -- long version

I am the Stranger -- long version

A Poem by Eddie Davis

This is a longer version of 'I am the Stranger', a 10 word challenge. This one is fully developed. Underlined words are the challenge words.
I am the Stranger

I am the Stranger

A Poem by Eddie Davis

This was my attempt to construct a poem using 10 random words: Stranger, skin, rhyme Calculating, Chickens, hurry, short, Obedient, remember and ex..
Prior Days

Prior Days

A Poem by Eddie Davis

When youthful optimism crashes into the reality of adulthood
Cloaking Device

Cloaking Device

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Princess Arianelle of Tarmard pays a secret visit to a magic shop.
Royal Duties

Royal Duties

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Arianelle tries to avoid a meeting with the Hutcaiah Prince.


A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Arianelle is introduced to the Hutcaiah Prince
Discerning Relatives

Discerning Relatives

A Chapter by Eddie Davis

Arianelle begins her secret plan.