Janyce Helen Van Es : Writing

Buried Memories

Buried Memories

A Story by Janyce Helen Van Es

Dreaming, Shelly melted into Steven's arms; she felt his lips feeding on her. A spiritual awareness made the last twenty years disappear. The phon..


A Story by Janyce Helen Van Es

Loading and unloading firewood from the woodlot to woodstove stretched muscles and created terrible backaches every winter for Karl. Today he encoun..
Confection Addiction

Confection Addiction

A Poem by Janyce Helen Van Es

Sugar isn’t nutritious But it can’t be beat Because it’s so delicious I run with my feet To the nearest store I just want to ..
Shut Up!

Shut Up!

A Story by Janyce Helen Van Es

“Not me!” he hollered from the downstairs bedroom, “I am not putting my hands in that discusting dishwater!” “But you..
Wrong Way

Wrong Way

A Story by Janyce Helen Van Es

Janyce typed a short story for WritersCafe, munching on a toasted bagel, laden with cream cheese and smoked salmon. Johnny sneaked into the kitchen..
Not This Time (101 words)

Not This Time (101 words)

A Story by Janyce Helen Van Es

Janyce sat on the loft’s edge watching Johnny make two sandwiches. Hestacked four slices of bread on top of the flies’ coffeemaker-lan..
The Return

The Return

A Story by Janyce Helen Van Es

erotic horror
Shirley's Blind Date

Shirley\'s Blind Date

A Stage Play by Janyce Helen Van Es

Two mid-life sisters make a date with a younger man
The Rape

The Rape

A Story by Janyce Helen Van Es

The shadows merged and Susan craned her neck to see if she recognized the perpetrator. He wasn’t from around here. Even with the full moon, it w..


A Story by Janyce Helen Van Es