This isn't a love letter or... any letter, really. I don't know, just read it.
This poem is a literal account of my walk to school, and an account on adolescence. Please see author's note for more details, as there aren't enough ..
I'm back! -- after resting my voice and collecting a fairly nice amount of substantial poems for 2013, I have returned with something of the usual.
i am very very tired and delusional as i write this -- i hope it will warrant your forgiveness on account of the following monstrosity, but i shall po..
this gets unintentionally sad in the middle, but it's actually about something happy, for me -- I hope it's okay. (see author's note for further detai..
i don't agree with the ideals i have conceptualised in this poem, but that doesn't mean they were any less warranted.
i was angry... go figure
Foxtrot, I have summoned you againA halcyon grunt, desultory groansFor a zenith of you and I.ich werde dauern, you beguile meThroat me down, your endu..
something really nice happened yesterday and they were on the two different ends of the spectrum of nice, and the contrast was poem-worthy - as per.
another love poem. absolutely typical. thank god no one ever actually likes me.