A Chapter by dw817
I was sat down into a chair with a napkin on the table. The nurse that led me spoke, "Press your finger here and a meal will be prepared precisely as ..
A Chapter by dw817
Now while I thought something lewd was going to happen, I was completely mistaken. Suddenly Telaya reached forward, greedily and BIT off one of my fin..
A Chapter by dw817
"I'm on it." Janet said a little impatiently. She flicked on a bunch of switches above her head. The propeller then started to twirl. Then we saw a fu..
A Chapter by dw817
But Mowery wouldn't have lip from this agent. "No ! That's not good enough ! YOU go back from where you came and GET my reward ! Cash, all of it. Then..
A Chapter by dw817
"... Well ma'am, this will call Dempsey, that large fellow you saw earlier ? It'll then be his job to 'soften' you up a bit. Hurt you. Make you a litt..
A Chapter by dw817
Still Nikki felt the answers were not that important so she spoke. "My earliest memory was being in cage. I was with my Mother - she was not a half-ca..
A Chapter by dw817
"Well good for you. You know who I am. Whaddya want, a medal ? Yeah I toldja - I am your WORST nightmare. So get your stuff and let's get this over wi..
A Chapter by dw817
With a 4th swirlie in the same filthy toilet I had to admit the bowl did look better and cleaner, but at what cost ? My ego. My sanitary appearance. M..
A Chapter by dw817
Dr. Seisbee spoke evenly, "Behave, Nikki. And I'll bring you some lunch. Perhaps a few dead mice ?" And he laughed thinking about it.
A Chapter by dw817
Tyr's deviousness. Her wickedness. For a brief instance two girls appeared. Both completely alike except one was wearing dress-up red sunglasses. Then..