A Story by dw817
I am now fully believing that is possible to store an entire universe (or at least the molecular design for a block of cheese), inside the span of 256..
A Chapter by dw817
All 101 summaries of the 4th book + links to recap 1st, 2nd, and 3rd books.
A Chapter by dw817
I was silent, facing him for a moment when suddenly he reached to the side to grab a lance and pointed it heavily at my chest. "Answer me at once, pea..
A Chapter by dw817
Felicity nodded, pleased with herself and continued in a quieter eager voice, "YOU would do well to choose to accept whatever I decide to do with you ..
A Chapter by dw817
I had something else to say but then the King clouted me on the head so hard this time that I nearly fell into my seat. "That's enough questions for t..
A Chapter by dw817
I realized without the King I would've probably had my clothes ripped off, my head thrust in the trough, and been fncked "in the arse" by every knight..
A Chapter by dw817
The moment I entered though that seemed to change. Everyone turned their head to look at me and set down their drink of milk down suddenly making a ra..
A Chapter by dw817
I was coughing and gagging while I could hear more than just the Tommy in the bathroom. I knew they were all hooting for him to continue to drown me i..
A Chapter by dw817
I spoke, "May I ?" and took the serving tray. Then carefully counted out some fried vegetables for myself once again avoiding the meat determining it ..
A Chapter by dw817
Then two motorcycles took off. One I guess for reinforcements. The other came straight at me, wielding the same bat. I stepped aside as I did last tim..