


Thankful for salvation, family and friends

Kingsport, TN
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About Me

Greetings! I am a 28 year old born again Christian, preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as the owner of a B.A degree in Psychology. I read the Bible more than anything else, because I base my life upon it, but when I am reading for fun I really enjoy the genre of fantasy. I am extremely fond of The Lord of the Rings series. I am happy to report to my friends here on the cafe that I am no longer single. I am now married to my one and only. She is as honorable and virtuous as she is beautiful. Now she and I have a family. On 8/21/14 God blessed us to have twins. we have a son and a daughter. I am a collecter of swords, spears, daggers ect. Until recently most of my writings were highly task oriented, but now I am able to write by choice. I am currently working on an ongoing pet project with my best friend that has been in the works for many years. It is a fantasy trilogy that is my literary pride and joy. I have several essays I plan on posting for your viewing pleasure, and I plan on beginning a few new projects for the purpose of sharing on this site. Now that some time has past I hae discovered that the poetic genre is for me as well. This site at first I thought would be a place for me to post my stories and indeed it is, but here I have found a means of expression I had rarely used prior to setting up this page. Poetry gives me a constructive means of dealing with the tribulations of life. I give my problems to God and write a poem about how they make me feel. Also I would like to say to those of you on this site that have offerered friendship to me I greatly appreciate it and look forward to spending time getting to know you. I hope you enjoy my writings and if you ever want to discuss my work please leave me a message. May God richly bless you all!

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Here is a link to my first ever published poem. Please feel free to check it out and let me know what you think.
Once Living and Twice Dead
This poem is journey of a rejected lover trying to come to terms with the pain.
This is a link to my father's articles. He writes on a variety of topics, but always does it well.


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Posted 10 Years Ago

To all of my friends on Writerscafe, I am still writing. I recently published a book with two other authors, one you may know from this site, the Xi of nothing, and the other is my father. This book is the first to come in a long series. I would love it if you guys would read it and offer some feedback. It is for sale on in electronic format. It is called Wanderers by Stan Ringley, Justin Colt Vaughn, and Wiley Vaughn. You can follow the link on our website or go there and see a few of our pics. Please check us out.

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Posted 12 Years Ago

To all of my friends, Life is going well and God has blessed me to be married the the most wonderful woman in the world. Finally my heart is safe in her care. I hope God richly blesses you all. I am still writing by the way. I am currently working on my novel and it is nearing its completion.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

To all of my friends just dropping in to say hi and that life is goimg very well. I am in love with the most beautiful woman in the world and am getting married in 4 months. God bless I will check back when I can :)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hi! I'm doing great. I just love the whole ranch life thing! Except for the cattle :P I know, I know, what's ranching without cattle? But still . . . :)

So how are you?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

sounds like things are going well for you to but work i a pain! I am completely swamped with work at the moment and i am supposed to be doing more now. But after 3hours of searching for the two perfect songs i gave up. Haha.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Congratulations for being featured in The Righteous Writer's Group!
Blessings, Sheila

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Sorry me neither. But yes things are good how about you?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

To all of my friends, forgive my lack of appearances on this site of late. Life has been rather hectic, please feel free to message me anytime. I still around and check for messages often. Until later, God bless my friends!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I am glad to here that life is going do well for you!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I am fine now although i am feeling a little emotional a friend has just really cheered me up so things are looking up :)
How about you how is life treating you?