I can feel the boning of your girdle when I zipped your dress up. I think your gaining weight.But not until I grab your arm and turn your fat lips, ag..
Good clean air is like ogre thew, old man Adleman would tell me;in other words,when art is ownershipto see it is to keep it inyour heart.(?)He told me..
One moment I am waiting for the train,the next moment the transatlantic traintracks me unidentifiable to the Georgia hills.Venial and forgivable trees..
Animals don't dream;this I am certain.Their minds are thepurest liquid.They have demonstratedtheir loyal tunesas specks forthe abnormal.As everything,..
relievable spring,primed by faith or observance.Poetry comes down with it'stempting voice,it's rue assuagelike a morning asprinunder thetongue.I commi..
On my mothers dresser are so many empty perfume bottles.I thought of bottles as disposible when empty, with the exception,they were once filled with u..
Because I can't dance, the ascendency becomes privledged by the magic lake; where else to find substantive muskrats digging hole after boring hole an..
The heaviest horses know their time is up. Thats why they kick stones in prude patternsand stand with their asses pushed so close together; to pee on ..
initially I laid prone to the third sky. The second day I wanted the tambourines to last, even though our new seeds were locked in the old house. On ..
the old dog is filthy, has a short, twisted legand pterygium covering my good eye. We were lucky to have cut him off before the bridge, though the dr..