the act of analyzing a complex notion into
a simpler one.
for electra
Everything we do now cozies up to spring;there is something so mortal about youso possible, conceivable. There's no shamein me asking the undertaker f..
I played with army men up until my sixteenth birthday. I know,It's unrealistic to believea sorcerer's spellmade their plastic armscome alive in a real..
I tried to half myselfthe same way cancer half's you;one day the story is so clearthen they take your bloodand someone walks in your roomwith an anthe..
for joanne,
The white moon, even thru the pollutantis efflorescence the first time.The second time it's inapplicably smallto nettle the suitor, snug in their draw..
Father. The further I get from your passingthe less I can recall your gesture with cigarette battling your middle finger from an oldwar.That good laug..
every man has a feminine side. mine chooses atingle,importunate allusion. my red udder, diminished,flew off like the eye of a rag doll.the girl I choo..
I still visit Sanburg sitting among the shriveled souls, justto hear again him post his unveiled messages of loss,his informal suggestions of the outd..