I too am a princess in my low flame. Soft as a basket of net. Someone bring to me the madeup lovers of lovelessly where each morning the dining room i..
I think you can believe as I do that the earth is, in fact, flatwithout curvings, ridges or thebriolette synthesis of estersfor perfume and distance. ..
So here it is.First Monday then Tuesday accumulated. Can't remember much after that justmouthfuls of pleasure and farandole,where the men and women ho..
SIShad frambesia of another namewhere the rasberry pustules broke the surfaceof the mineral and she got lathered down, each night,withsulfur and culti..
I wake up each morning at 5:30 exactlyto s**t my brains out and thinkand jot down words on perfectsquares of Charmin as if two thingstwistingcould spi..