Sam : Writing

A game..

A game..

A Poem by Sam

What's life but a game of chess played between "god" and man? Who roles the dice and who moves forward Is nothing but a scam.. No one wins at..


A Poem by Sam

The last bleeding wisp of wind engulfs my misery Petrified, in this dying night, the sweetest of my fantasies. Or is this reality that is sorround..


A Poem by Sam

Brutally honest feelings..


A Poem by Sam

As the last rays of the sun flicker and vanish beyond the recesses of the horizon.. I close my eyes and make a wish the same little wish I've been..
All I Have To Say

All I Have To Say

A Poem by Sam

All I Have To Say Betray my trust one more time, I dare you! Slay my hopes and dreams one time again, I dare you! Stamp out my inner fla..


A Poem by Sam

just something i had to write..
for you..

for you..

A Poem by Sam

It was the one thing you said to me that brought my soul to tears..:)