Good thoughts propel me.
Things are not often as they seem.
Waking up in the morning.
lost in the maze of invisible waves
A story of two loves, one hate and both forgiveness and acceptance of what things are.
Do you think that you could lovea person that never knew you?a person that never heard youa person that never saw thelove shining in your eyes?that ut..
The poem that comes to life,isa solemn slice of living;love, hate, depression,acts that need forgiving.To vent, to rage, to holler,spew out the torrid..
Age creeps up slowly, then suddenly
I am a cowboy of the modern west-drive a Honda. don't ride no horse-don't brand cattle, I'm retired-but I'm still alive, of course.I volunteer, for th..
Choices to made in the concept of love are not always easy.