dreaming dame : Writing

Lone, Heartless Death

Lone, Heartless Death

A Poem by dreaming dame

A sad story.
Take My Hand

Take My Hand

A Poem by dreaming dame

Take my hand, and walk with me, Don't let go, just hold me tight. Mabye then this world just might Let me loose, set me free. Hold my hand, and ..


A Poem by dreaming dame

I guess this is just a frustreted poem.


A Poem by dreaming dame

I don't know what to do but sigh, as I see the moon so high, and wish my worries goodbye to the moonbeams in the sky but I sit here instead and..
Chains of Poison

Chains of Poison

A Poem by dreaming dame

A poem basically describing the feeling of falling for a guy, or his''ness'' about him. His personality. Oddly enough, I don't feel it. :)
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A Poem by dreaming dame

Lies lies lies, There's flies in your lies-trap Helen, OR... LIES LIES LIES There's lies in your flytrap. Which ever way it goes, no one re..
Grey Grace

Grey Grace

A Poem by dreaming dame

A poem about a woman/girl that is suffering with the consaquences of blind love.
My Place

My Place

A Story by dreaming dame

My place is one where I create my own atmosphere; a fiery storm, or a dance of smooth elegance, and everything in between. There's only the intoxicat..


A Poem by dreaming dame

I decide to help the X-Queen from Poethecrow's series of poems about the world of Sunday.


A Poem by dreaming dame

Expression, truth, angel, love, freedom, confiedence