drea : Writing

sinkhole nomad

sinkhole nomad

A Poem by drea

Wanderlust wolfwandering for days alone.Only wishing for something, anything-to keep at bay-the constant teething.The constant bleeding at the gum.Whe..
Note To Self

Note To Self

A Poem by drea

Note to self:In the novel you're on the wrong page.You leaned over, drooledthrew the towel in on the day.Lunacy agethe counting of time is for the pai..
Body Trap

Body Trap

A Poem by drea

I stretchto feel my physicality. In reality,I should just feel up a strangers leg.I beg for a flood,in what's become a semi-virginal wasteland.Cactus ..
blues traveler

blues traveler

A Poem by drea

I wonder your take on this, Janine.Are you married with kids?If not,this corner coroner says you areand if he has any, he's abandoned them.There is no..


A Poem by drea

In the bathrooms sterilityI believe I am anything,which I am not...But I have a great appreciation for made up things. For a second there,i also thoug..
Counting Time

Counting Time

A Poem by drea

I saved up my breath for this, like a penny jar miser assured they would never be ludicrously spent,only to die with a jar full of pennies in the end...
Skull Cage

Skull Cage

A Poem by drea

C**k roach.Bent knees and spinethere's been no dynamic thought to reconcile crooked body lines.It's failing time-personal fulfillment left its recedin..


A Poem by drea

People speak of change like it is a rare fruityou have to hunt it downand squeezehard.People also take for granted the small scope of their vision,the..
fallen bird

fallen bird

A Poem by drea

Mornings last note-leaden trillback brokea songbirds last stand. Impersonal closed toesa glance but nothing moresunlight memorialon the sidewalk crack..
Bete Noir in Tentacle Palace

Bete Noir in Tentacle Palace

A Poem by drea

I live in a tentacle palace.War state,trying to grab my a*s and my brain.I am not you! This here or now.Hop into generational voidI move ..

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