If I pulled the same s**t on you,
You wouldn’t take it.
If I pulled the same talk on you,
You’d walk away,
Wouldn’t be standing ..
Ok, take this and this
And while you're at it, I'll take that bliss
I'll give you just a glimpse of good
Before I rip away, like I ever would
When you look at me
With your green eyes
They're clouded by all of your selfish lies
My dreams that I have just won't do
They don't fit in your li..
You're a taker
My certified heartbreaker
But the blows don't hurt
Til you take off my shirt
And you're inside of me
And I can't breathe
I knew, under all those cracks,
Was a beautiful man
I just need some time, some love, to patch them up
Because saving you
Will save me, too
Girl, I've really missed you
These last months have been Hell
We really should start over
Baby, I'm blinded by your spell
Girl, let's not define..
You've ruined me
I've had better, more love, more life
Yet I was able to walk away
From that
And I can't
From you
So when you tell me to move on..
I know it can be better
But I don't see it
In the web of what-ifs &
You had your chance
I destroy everything decent
Replace it with misery
These years have played me moronic
And still, deep down, I
Hate the way you're never wrong
Blame it all on me, it's all my fault
I hate the min..
I disappear and indulge
These words just consume me
This life is too hard
And I'm not who I thought I'd be
I'm a joke, all alone, in the shadow ..