A happy ending.Who ever heard of such a thing?Is that what endings are supposed to bring?A happy ending, a happy thing.Is that what endings are suppos..
I may never knowthe touch of yourskin on my face,or the kiss of your lips.The honeydew-kissed sunset,of a care-free beach.The ocean breeze sifting thr..
And I said I'd never be Nobody's Fool,Never let nobody make a fool outta me.And I'm not.But I'm Nobody's Baby neither.
And any time you're feeling blueor feeling glum,Remember this:"Whatever you becomeyou already are."
I used to see the future,could reach out my handand almost taste the sunshine.But where that wasis now a holeso wideso darkso expansive.I know nothing..
So, go on then.Go on then.Marry her.
And I just want something.Something to mean anything.Anything at all.Someone to translate, once and for all.What can I say?I've fallen into the abyss,..
"You were like a memory from a dream that I once had,"she says, she says.As she climbs out of the water,but she can't breathe the air.
Master and the Horse
Master, raises the whip in his hands.
It whistles through the air, singing,
Before it all comes down.
Green Paper
The bits of inanimate paper
float just above the heads
of the animated puppets.
Just out of reach for some.
For others, fistfuls ..