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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

I love music, it keeps me alive on a daily basis. I'm that girl you might see in your class but never know her name, or you see in the hall completely oblivious to the world with my head phones in and walking with the only destination the class room i should be in.

I love my friends, they are the blood in my veins and the breath in my lungs, they are everything to me and i would do anything for them.
i have things posted on fictionpress but they haven't been getting many reviews and i'm looking for some help in improving my writing... so please be harsh and blunt and constructive... and nit picky too..

I would say i am about the typical teenager now days, with a few exceptions here and there. I have goals and dreams [and just realized i am sitting on a drop of sap, damn] that i hope to acomplish one day, even though that day is so far off.

if there are any writings you would like me to take a look at i would be more than happy to, just tell me or send me one of those wonderful read requests!


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Posted 16 Years Ago

hey, thanks for reading my stuff. I've read a few of yours so far and I like them. I haven't left a review yet though. I'll be back. :)

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey there! i added a new poem. check it out. it feels so good to have time to write again! :)