My life story. A work in progress but up to 9 episodes already.
Donny Cat
It was a
beautiful sunset in the middle of Nebraska on a farm that was rundown and
cheap. But there was a boy named Donald A..
“You are
my sunshine my only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey,”
sang Donald, as he walked down the dusty farm road in fr..
After the night of extra long slumber,
young Donald awoke quite frantically. The young man opened his youthful
little eyes and gazed upon his clock..
Donald sat
there in classroom, listening to the teacher's math lecture. "Alright class, talking to
strangers is never appropriate for a gentleman..
As Miss
SaurAppel finished lecturing about strangers, police units, and the way that
1940's courts seemed to often have their own relations to the m..
“Do you know the muffin man, the
muffin man **CLAP CLAP** who lives on Dreary Lane?”
As Don was singing and clapping to the cheery litt..
“Now that you’ve come to grasp the Kitty
Sense, we will move on to the next skill,” stated the cat
matter-of-factly. “Your ..
It had been a week of the same
routine for young Donald. During the seven days of intense physical
preparation, he was beginning to understand how ..
“Well, uhhhh, gang, this may be a
bit hard to fancy, but I assure you gentlemen this is no tall tale like the
tail located on the behind of a ..