A Poem by Dom
O Child
who makes me mortal:
patting his round, raspberry-stained tummy
with clumsy, two-and-a-half-year-old hands,
a bright red scar
A Poem by Dom
Gifts of citrine to my father,left in hopes he’ll be happy -not rock he needed,but tree.Not yellow, orange, brown,but bursting, verdant green.Br..
A Poem by Dom
reflections on early motherhood
A Poem by Dom
a quick simple little poem from bed at 3:23am
A Poem by Dom
I’m back in town.
She’s not around -
clawed her way out.
My 3rd or 4th time on this merry-go-round;
tourist-trodden, prime for retirem..
A Poem by Dom
OI didn't knowMorphineWould taste sweetI felt happyFor the first timeComparing the pads of my mother's thumbsTo the soles of my son's feetI understand..
A Poem by Dom
I want to kiss your tissue paper lids -
feel your lashes brush my lips with the flinch of it -
then draw back and let you look
with your unrelentin..
A Poem by Dom
Something sweet,
a cherry tree,
bears fruit for me
Please say you love me,
say you’d touch me,
keep me carefully -
canals keep c..
A Poem by Dom
I wanted this.
I want it still.
Little lollipop, sucked in sweetness,
by my own cloying hysteria.
With resentment wrapping the fat of ..
A Poem by Dom
I have no hide;raw and childlike;an infant with no skin onSavlon body, smearedthrough blood and sinew,antisepticonly tears and re-tears the tissueWeir..