db hoffman : Writing

The Smallest Splinter

The Smallest Splinter

A Poem by db hoffman

Remember our first thanksgiving together, giving strength to our smallest finger tightly wrapped around the wishbone as it cracked in two. Th..
The Lonely Tree

The Lonely Tree

A Poem by db hoffman

The Lonely Tree Beneath the clouds on a hill I stand a single carved heart lingers on the young layers of my old trunk. My branches once held..
Premier Danseur

Premier Danseur

A Poem by db hoffman

Premier Danseur My husband taught me to quickstep when I was seventeen and he was twenty-two, the kind old fool broke into dance whenever th..
The Smell of Rain

The Smell of Rain

A Poem by db hoffman

The Smell of Rain Imagine my surprise when the rain came. I usually sense it before it crosses the threshold of my sky, that organic earth and m..