D. Mansfield : Writing

Both places

Both places

A Poem by D. Mansfield

Time is recalculated, as we whip around the sun. Walking faster and faster, finally, trying to run. Millions of us, sharing all the same spaces, ..


A Poem by D. Mansfield

Reds and yellows, bright Explosions, on the page. Colorful adjectives, descriptive words to Guage. Paint to let out the feelings inside. Write fr..


A Poem by D. Mansfield

Happiness Do you remember real happiness, can you conjure it up? All the wonder and joy of it, you wish that it had stuck, Away it ..
Things I'm not good at

Things I'm not good at

A Poem by D. Mansfield

Things I'm not Good At Never read the classics, didn't study in school, Don't believe in witchcraft, I'm mediocre at playing pool. Cut my..


A Poem by D. Mansfield

Please, could you, remember me, from playing catch, in 73. Before the concerts, before the bars, when we just dreamed, of driving cars. Before ..


A Poem by D. Mansfield

Words, have turned to colors, my pen has run dry. Shades of blue seem to sooth me, As these last years clock by.
Tiny little mousey m***********s, trying to occupy  your mind

Tiny little mousey m***********s, trying to occupy..

A Poem by D. Mansfield

American. .mousy. English .. mousey Please don't be one of "those" I use it as an adjective. The spelling is correct.
Been hanging around a friend's house

Been hanging around a friend's house

A Poem by D. Mansfield

I've been hanging around, a friend's house Now, for what seems like a, life, Wish, that she had loved me, But there's something, she doesn't like..
Spring Explosions

Spring Explosions

A Poem by D. Mansfield

Spring has sauntered in. With its earthy smells Explosions of color From hidden artillery shells. Stunning beauty popping up And fragrant smell..
my emotions live in a cave.

my emotions live in a cave.

A Poem by D. Mansfield

I didn't finish college, I don't drive a nice car. have no house at the lake, I spend too much time at the bar. my marriage was a disaster my c..

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