Deeply Debbie

Deeply Debbie


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National City, CA
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About Me

I'm a Graphic Artist, Massage Therapist, and a traditional artist at heart. I have always loved telling stories and writing poetry. I find beauty in the simplest of places and the most complex of souls. I feel with my whole being. I give with all i have. And I take only that which is offered freely. I have been hurt a numerous amounts of times, but yet i climb back on that horse and ride.


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Posted 16 Years Ago


Peonies bloom on peony trees.
A cat doesn't become a chicken.
Tulips are tulips, not roses.
Why can't we realize this true fact?
That to be me is great.
I don't have to be anyone but me.
I am blooming as I am in my life, just as
a peony blooms on a peony tree.
Further, a beautiful peony flower does not
worry about when it will wilt and fall to the ground.
It does not compete with the flower next to it;
rather it blooms with its whole self.

-- Sensie Ogui
from "Zen Shin Talks"