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Mt Airy, NC
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Midnight Poem Midnight Poem

A Poem by dixie

You... You...

A Poem by dixie

Love... Love...

A Poem by dixie

Art Art

A Poem by dixie

Unknown Unknown

A Poem by dixie

Henry Henry

A Story by dixie

Dedication Dedication

A Poem by dixie

Answer Answer

A Poem by dixie

Lost Lost

A Poem by dixie

About Me

All my friends and the people I love call me Allie. I've been writing since I
was 8 with simple poetry and very short stories. Writing became a window
of opportunity for me to express myself. Later on I really became interested
in the Civil War and began to use that as my muse. I'm just a simple country girl,
with a hunger for life and a soul for self expression.

I am currently in college workin on my degree in graphic design. Its a challenge
working with my school, job, and being able to write. But theres nothing like
comming home from school or work and taking out my pad and pen and
being able to get the day out of my head. I take life in stride
and hope for the best with my work. Feel free to talk and share,
hope to meet more outstanding writers!

"Ya'll come on down and feel free to take ya shoes off and set a spell!!"


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Happy New Year Pictures, Images and Photos

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Dang time goes by so fast! Well I wish you luck Dixie

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Been keeping busy with school myself. I have put a lot of new work on here lately too. Hope everything is going well with you.

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hey Dixie long time no see. Hows school going? I didn't learn that morph in school. I learned it off the net. I found a free program called " Sqirlz Morph" Its a pretty cool program and easy to use.
How you been?

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Posted 15 Years Ago


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Posted 15 Years Ago

Well stay out of trouble ok......smiles

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Great painting Dixie! Glad to hear schools going good for you too. I have missed you.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

HAHA! OMG! Yes, I'm at home with a cold. I've totally lost my voice, but maybe that was a good thing, because it means that I can talk to you! :P

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Hey Dixie it has been a long time. School is going great! I only have next week and my first class will be over and so far I have an A so I'm very happy about that. So what have you been up to be sides writing?

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thanks for all the reviews Dixie! I appreciate it.
I've been really busy with work, but I'll try to get to reading more of your stuff in the next week.

You take care! Waving Hi from Wyoming!
Aaron Maycroft