Everyone always says I'm tough,butthat'sonly because when they look at me,they see a girl who Never cries,a girl who will go out of her way to protect..
Teenage romance.How can such a stupid little thing...Make me want to do a little dance,and sing a little song?I sit by the phone all day'Just waiting ..
this is literally off the bat. i'm probably going to delete it soon anyway:P
my life is like a monsterwith its scary nasty clawsand freaky sharp teeththat dig into me ruining everythingmy blood covers his handsand is smeared o..
your strong,therefore you live long,get past what they saytheir thoughts dont mean a thingyour the one who pulls throughlet your lifeguideyoubecause y..
people say that every perfect relationship has its secrets.I thought ours was one of the few that didn'tbut when i saw youwithherit was like a burnin..
You choose the girlswith low self esteem,and make them feel good aboutthem selflike you did with me you tell them you love themand make them fall in ..
The way you smile,your eyes,yourpersonality,everything... so perfect!I love you for youand nothing will change thatno matter what !and i will do anyt..
i see the picture of my niece and my eyes water,knowing she is unhealthy makes me sad,knowing it may be a while since i will meet her makes me sad,see..
I never meet anyone in my life thus far,that is more gorgeous than thyshe literally the greatest thing to happen to methere are no metaphors or sim..