The Analog Kid : Writing



A Poem by The Analog Kid

Returning to WC after a hiatus.
Snowy Destiny

Snowy Destiny

A Poem by The Analog Kid

Inspired by a TSO Christmas song.


A Poem by The Analog Kid

Just a poem that I thought of based on a Van Halen song. Used the Sabbath because it went nicely with the title.....yes Rose, it's 7th grade again!
Just Take It All In

Just Take It All In

A Poem by The Analog Kid

Just listening to Eric Johnson's "Ah Via Musicom," reading, and thinking of winter constellations.
We've Got Tonight

We've Got Tonight

A Poem by The Analog Kid

I didn't like this song when it came out. I heard it in a movie a few years ago and really got hooked by the second verse...
Beginnings (with JR)

Beginnings (with JR)

A Poem by The Analog Kid

My absolute favorite Chicago song. Double helix. I installed the foundation and Rose expertly applied the mortar with her magic trowel...
Urgent (with JR)

Urgent (with JR)

A Poem by The Analog Kid

A collaboration with a strong sexual theme**All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is ..
The Body Electric

The Body Electric

A Poem by The Analog Kid

A poem inspired by NWO, conspiracy theories, what's going on today, 1984, Ayn Rand and a cheesy Rush video. Be sure to click on the video for a few l..
The Edge

The Edge

A Poem by The Analog Kid

Dreams play tricks on you. I took a derivative of a line from a Counting Crows song to spawn the first stanza.


A Poem by The Analog Kid

My first free-form poem from a few years back. Three years since this asteroid grazed my surface:)