Brooke : Writing

Scheherazade's Fever Dream

Scheherazade's Fever Dream

A Poem by Brooke

with a drip-drop honey voice off clear bells: a baby born in green morning dew warm milk-coffee..
My Astronauts

My Astronauts

A Poem by Brooke

Searching in the void that does not look like us searching in the void in the galaxy in the void ..


A Poem by Brooke

ghosts of blue hands pressed onto fogged glass windows bubble-gum smell from the ventilator ..
Alf Hymer's Restaurant

Alf Hymer's Restaurant

A Stage Play by Brooke

Right now the play is just one scene (I'm thinking of ways of expanding it).
Falling With Temptation

Falling With Temptation

A Story by Brooke

An allegory of the story of Adam and Eve.
Don't Fall Off the Boat if You Can't Swim

Don't Fall Off the Boat if You Can't Swim

A Story by Brooke

The beginning years of elementary school were a torrent of confusion and uncertainty. I was teetering on the edge of..
Who Knows You Like I Do?

Who Knows You Like I Do?

A Story by Brooke

You showed up at the door during the maelstrom, disheveled and doe-eyed, your ash brown hair matted against your fo..
We Are But Creatures of Timely Remembrance

We Are But Creatures of Timely Remembrance

A Poem by Brooke

Sitting here: I think about us, us with all our negatives and positives, changes and ..
The Fortune Teller

The Fortune Teller

A Poem by Brooke

Sultry summer night, stars to scared by darkness, I stroll into “Fortune Reader & Chakra Cleanser&r..
Honest Therapy

Honest Therapy

A Poem by Brooke

The Therapist says if I want to be crazy, that’s my own choice, it’s all about willpower, not medicat..

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