


"Sometimes the people who help others, are the ones who need help the most."

QLD, Australia
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About Me

Hello fellow writers,
My name is Crystal Madden and I am an Aussie. Another writer on this website Maddy Meyers is my best friend in real life it was me who introduced her to this website and I am proud I have her hooked on it. I’m 17 years old and I started writing when I was 9. But I faintly remember when I was only 6 I had to write a dreamtime story and I was invited to read it in front of my school and parents as well. I stopped for a while and didn’t start writing again till I was 12. There I wrote a story and I had to read it in front of my class. I was so happy when everyone clapped for me and told me it was really good and I should write a sequel. When I was 13 we had the start of a short story and it ended with a cliff hanger and we had to finish it. My teacher read it out to the whole class pointing out some mistakes but also saying what was really good and all that. I found Writers cafe at the start of the year and I love it. I mainly write stories and they are basically thriller/mystery. I may add a poem every now and then but not often. I don’t really like reading poems because they give me a headache, so if I review a poem of yours it must be truly good because I can rarely finish one.
I love to role play and am willing to role play with anyone who is interested. I do not like Justin Bieber or One Direction in honest opinion I despise them both. I wish I can stop all the bullies in the world, and make people happy instead of depressed.
My favourites…
Food: Spaghetti bolognaise or potato bake.
Drink: Creaming soda or chocolate thick shake
Band: (Only name a few) The script, Emblem 3, Skillet, Fall Out Boy and Evermore
Artists: Olly Murs, Samantha Jade, Demi Lovato, Bars and Melody
Songs: Troublemaker (Olly Murs), Hall of fame (The script) Chloe (Emblem 3) My song knows what you did in the dark light em’ up (Fall out Boy) What you done to me (Samantha Jade) Heart attack (Demi Lovato) Hopeful (Bars and Melody) Payphone (Maroon5)
Colour/s: Light blue, aqua, purple, light green
Animals: Cats, wolves, dolphins and horses
Authors: R.L Stine and Christopher Pike
Books: The Fear Street series, Final friends Christopher Pike, Harry Potter series, Divergent series, Hunger games series and The fault in our stars (yes I bawled my eyes out along with the divergent series but I still extremely love both no matter how heartbreaking they are)
Movies: Well I like anything horror and I still have a weakness for kids movies lol
TV shows: The Simpsons, Pretty little liars, Supernatural, Scooby Doo (and the movies)
Quote: “Don’t look down on somebody unless if you’re helping them up.” Jessie Jackson

So that’s some information about me there’s probably more I can put in but at the moment I can’t think of anything.


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Posted 8 Years Ago

You're so lucky. I still have a few years left before I completely finish college. XD It must feel nice being so close to freedom.

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Hey! It has been a long time, hasn't it? I'm doing pretty well. How are you? :)

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Is your name really Crystal Madden? Because that sounds an awful lot like crystal meth. Are you a fan of crystal meth Crystal Madden? Lending your name to some peeps in the crystal meth game could be a terrific branding decision for a new product in the market of crystal methamphetamines. You could be famous... like Malcom's dad, Bryan Cranston.

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Posted 8 Years Ago

We weren't already friends on here? I thought we were, lol

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Lol, thanks. And I'm always looking for new music, so I'll give them a listen. :)

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Thank you. I had a feeling many people would agree...

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Posted 9 Years Ago

You're welcome. :) And yeah. :3

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Posted 9 Years Ago

That is so true. I love that quote.

BTW, to get people to reply back faster, comment on their profile. We get notifications then.

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Thanks for adding me :)

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Posted 9 Years Ago

Haha no problem :)