Alicia Hill Jones

Alicia Hill Jones


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About Me

Imagine giving birth to something that has developed inside you for over 20 years. It sounds painful! And if ever possible, most women would throw in the sweaty, tearful towel. Alicia did�countless times. The combination of school, work, family, and fear of rejection aged her dream to become a published author, but it never died. At the end of the birthing process comes joy.

Born and raised in Richmond, Virginia, Alicia discovered her love for creative writing at the age of 12. Growing up in a rough, low-income Southside neighborhood is part of her history�but not her story. Despite the odds, she graduated from George Wythe High School and was accepted into Virginia Commonwealth University. When time came to select a college major, Journalism, was considered but didn�t compare to the salary potential an Accounting degree offered. So, as many college students do, Alicia chose money over passion. Up until that point, she continued to write short stories, storing them in a three ring binder, which eventually became just a permanent fixture on her bookshelf. The pursuit of a writing career was swept to the back of her mind and she stepped into the corporate world.

Through life lessons and faith, Alicia realized that when God blesses you with a gift or talent He will not let it return to Him void. As Christians, God has predestined our lives and through us His plans prevail (Proverbs 19:21). In the fall of 2005, Alicia accepted her destiny and began writing Blessings of Purpose, a novel. In between writing the novel, she created Wisdom�s Gift, a monthly e-newsletter to interact with those who are new to or, like herself, want to grow in the Christian faith. Blessings of Purpose and Wisdom�s Gift are two offspring of Alicia�s latest vision, Destiny 11 Publications. Destiny 11 is a Christian based, self publishing company by which she wants to present other aspiring authors to the world.

Alicia currently resides in Richmond, Virginia with her husband and their two daughters.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Welcome to the Cafe', Alicia! Enjoy the atmosphere and let your creative soul soar to new heights ... Twilight Dancer/TD :)