destiny renteria : Writing

to be loved right

to be loved right

A Poem by destiny renteria

my poemI just wanted to be loved right,to feel supported day and night I wanted to be happy once again, with true love like in movies thenI don't want..
spooky seaons

spooky seaons

A Poem by destiny renteria

spooky holiday seasonpumpkin pumpkinwhere do you goin wood are peacefullights are delaiedsmoky airamber leaves all aroundspooky lightssparkle Candelsc..
hes my desire

hes my desire

A Poem by destiny renteria

his voice...
seperated friends

seperated friends

A Story by destiny renteria

two sepertaed friendsshe lives in a diffrent area in townand he lives in a diffrent townthe girl has feelings for him but also playing it cool torwds ..


A Poem by destiny renteria

desire things

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