I have several hundred pieces. I have an anthology that is nearing completion and I expect it to be finished in the next few months (self-published thru Blurb). I have a relationship with the Susan G Komen Foundation for the Cure For Breast Cancer. So all of the profit will go to them. I would rather be well-read than paid and as you probably know, there is little to no money to made in writing.
I have 6 more photographs to capture (each poem has a corresponding image that really enhances the narrative).
I may start sharing them here if most of the writers are not known to me. I'll at least send some your way. As you know, all poems are living; we return over and again to re-write, improve or scrap them. I always welcome new perspectives, critique, observations and reader's interpretations.
I love to absorb other people's styles, methods and concepts. It validates their work and shows that the reader is truly connecting.
Oh, by the way, I'm not a mystery. I'm just not a narcissist; more interested in others since I already know about myself.
I should probably take a minute and fill in my biography but not so as to be full of myself.
My memory sucks (PTSD from combat) so if I fail to post or send you something, bug me about it.
Thank you for thinking of me.