Dennis Willis : Writing

Now Doesn't Need a Memory

Now Doesn't Need a Memory

A Poem by Dennis Willis

Now doesn't need a memorynow is a memory'surgingrememberinging?Singu fulsing


A Poem by Dennis Willis

I am the spark of nowclench your shouldersto my current runningfrom your neck to your waistbreathe to my needof being alive electricthe fuse to the bo..


A Poem by Dennis Willis

I'm astonishedand caverns openof historical no make thathysterical reasonsthat unmakecolor and lightdelight and tightthis skin soft fight'gainst you n..


A Poem by Dennis Willis

Hiwhat are you up toi am writing a poemit's complicatedhas a temperaturehotscrambling my knucklesoff the keysin angstjust a hintof youenufi flushblush..
What is the Vibe

What is the Vibe

A Poem by Dennis Willis

What is the VibeWhat is the vibeI want to betothe endless to'si coalescetwo facesends ofcontinuumhere i goagainsliding for homekeeping its distance


A Poem by Dennis Willis

What are you doing? you askdoing?i'm collapsing in doubtthat's what I'm doing
Sew Me In

Sew Me In

A Poem by Dennis Willis

All the unravelingof a dayinto unconsciousnessinto keystrokesinto scenariosunlikelywritten things arguetheir way downinto unconsciousnessoutof keystro..
Loneliness or Wine

Loneliness or Wine

A Poem by Dennis Willis

Loneliness or WineI take a sipof a giftBullwork againstyou know whatthat mf'erwe hatemaking all effortsto love itdetonate everythingon the worldthat's..
Like Hmmm

Like Hmmm

A Poem by Dennis Willis

I inhaled a sipthe smallest sipi could manageof this expensivewineit said molecularlyi fitand set me to spinningthe ungluednessof my stack of me'svagu..


A Poem by Dennis Willis

I'd like to fluidly be languidagainst this lounge's spinesplit ends of strap splaying awaythe insistence of timeto trip upon itself and pile upridges ..

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