Brandon Gene Petit : Writing



A Poem by Brandon Gene Petit

I know the forces argue but I feel that I deserve a lift Ready to escape this farce and merge into the sunset cliffs I lend an ear unto the west..


A Poem by Brandon Gene Petit

It is he alone that accepts the task and rises from my bed at night To take my place in daring dreams and do what I could not intend Only through ..
To Speak of Nicole

To Speak of Nicole

A Poem by Brandon Gene Petit

Never to be purged from my imagination’s lonely ‘scape Inimical to hearts of men that grovel in her shadow’s drape Corruption sh..


A Poem by Brandon Gene Petit

When death liberates me unto its acre Will I miss the familiar haunts of rejection? When I’m forced to gaze into the eyes of my maker Wil..
Dunning Lake

Dunning Lake

A Poem by Brandon Gene Petit

I could see you walking slow along the shore of Dunning lake A black umbrella in your hands, a black dress flowing in your wake Your reflection dr..
Within and Without

Within and Without

A Poem by Brandon Gene Petit

From essential strands of primordial weave Warm life became of that cold, hard clay Conceived in the womb of inimical void Before the first light..
The Early Hours

The Early Hours

A Poem by Brandon Gene Petit

Dawn unfolds on a town's older region Sunrise crawls across cobblestone streets Autumn break speaks its opening words An urban dream world prepar..
The Art of Forgetting

The Art of Forgetting

A Poem by Brandon Gene Petit

Rolling on New England hills A drowsy passenger en route Settling into torpid cadence Eyes at rest on distant targets Rescued by reluctant ang..


A Poem by Brandon Gene Petit

Calling to me with idle lips The pits of her eyes a beckoning chasm She proceeds, a serpent in motion Speaking only by evoking speech Hypnotis..


A Poem by Brandon Gene Petit

A spur embedded within me burns Vices groan from over my shoulder I study the hands on the clock as they turn Mind regresses as body grows olde..

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