Death Girl

Death Girl


~The Toughest Battles Are Given to the Strongest People~

canton, OH
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About Me

I'm 18 and I have over 300 poems, close to 50 short storied, I have 5 songs I've put music to and another 10 that have yet to write music to, and I am working on ideas for a book from a few of my short stories that are similar. I have a new paranormal or supernatural creature I created. I am working on finishing putting together a poem book that tells a story. I am looking to publish my short stories in a book. I have an Editor Choice Award for a poem I have published in a book called stars in our heart's. I have a school magazine that I have a poem in. I'm supposed to have a poem published in international who's who in poetry 2012.


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Posted 11 Years Ago

"Seventy-two pieces of poetry from each of the seventy-two Demons Aleister Crowley is said to have evoked"

(The Elusive Mr Dunne)

Ps, your a little about me section is so touching, aw. Stay strong ;)

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Posted 11 Years Ago

says who?

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Posted 11 Years Ago

the girl isn't suppose to ask the guy out

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Posted 11 Years Ago

you walk up to him and say hey do you want to go out?

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Posted 11 Years Ago


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Posted 11 Years Ago


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Posted 11 Years Ago

Don't leave! You are a great writer

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Posted 11 Years Ago

you're the only one

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Posted 11 Years Ago

I don't hate you! I loves you sissy!

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Posted 11 Years Ago

I only read the beginning of your profile, but from favorite bands to movies, OMG YOU ARE AWESOME!