The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE) : Writing

chapter 17

chapter 17

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

After Arnold and Michele finished observing the scene they left The CSI to finish up.As they left the parking lot and drove toward The station Michele..
chapter 18

chapter 18

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

When Arnold and Michele entered Worldwide Publishing and started towards the counter they saw there was a different lady sitting there. She looked to ..
chapter 19

chapter 19

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

Once they got in the car Arnold put the key in the ignition but didn’t turn it over.“Something wrong?” Michele asked.Arnold looked a..
chapter 20

chapter 20

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

While Michele drove Arnold called Deputy Manny Palmer and asked him to dispatch Officers to the location where George Sanderstill was spotted. By the ..
chapter 21

chapter 21

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

When they arrived at the mall the parking lot was packed due to weekend shopping traffic. It took Arnold an hour to find a space Near the street entra..
chapter 22

chapter 22

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

As Michele drove Arnold called BOLO over the radio for Westley Dumar and threw the radio down. “D****t, I can’t believe I never suspected ..
chapter 23

chapter 23

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

One week later...Arnold sat upright on the hospital bed watching the classic show “The Andy Griffith Show” and sipping apple juice. He was..
chapter 13

chapter 13

A Book by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

Nathaniel Davidson is a popular murder mystery writer. But when he takes a break to write a biography he becomes a murdermystery.
I Love Mark Wars

I Love Mark Wars

A Poem by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

Dedicated to my brother that died on Friday. We were both Big Dtar Wars fans