The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE) : Writing

My Exclamation!!

My Exclamation!!

A Poem by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

My Exclamation!! An Exclamation can be used to express the importance of the sentence it follows. To make sure their point is marked with urgency...
Afternoon Sunroof.

Afternoon Sunroof.

A Poem by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

Afternoon Sunroof Look over the ocean at the sun setting like it does everyday. Look at the rays not in disarray, For it creates a roof o..
chapter 1-the arrival

chapter 1-the arrival

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

As Phyllis Bondsman Headed towards Texas Roadhouse For her Yearly Dinner date with her college friends at San Luis Bispo She was lost in thought about..
chapter 2 the dinner

chapter 2 the dinner

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

Once Paris stepped through the entrance she tried to find her friends through the mass of hungry people stepping on peanut shells while waiting to be ..
chapter 3- the D.A.'s last minutes

chapter 3- the D.A.'s last minutes

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

Nick poured another glass of beer for Elliot. This time he sipped it slowly along with the other three as they had small talk on what else going on in..
chapter 4- The detectives

chapter 4- The detectives

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

Detective Eric Johanson was sitting at his desk filling out paperwork involving a drug raid when Detective Larry Lawson finally walked through the doo..
chapter 5- the case begins

chapter 5- the case begins

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

Eric and Larry went back to their office to go over the files on the three victims.“So the D. A. and this lady Paris both got home from a dinner..
chapter 6- search for the suspect

chapter 6- search for the suspect

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

Eric and Larry both slammed their doors shut after they got into the car. Eric backed into the street and drove away from the Portman residence. From ..
chapter 7- The motor cycle gang

chapter 7- The motor cycle gang

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

Before starting the car Eric called the district attorney’s office to find out that the man Eric put away was Shawn Jenkins, and was locked up a..
chapter 8- hide the witness

chapter 8- hide the witness

A Chapter by The Rock And Roll Cowboy(..

Since Eric didn’t have a vehicle at his disposal He took Caprice’s hand as they walked down the ally. He called the station and told the l..

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