dead dreamer : Writing

The people's samurai

The people's samurai

A Poem by dead dreamer

A man of honor. A man of flame. He takes responsibility. He takes all the blame. He loves the rain. He hates the storm. His eyes were wet. His ..
Freestyle venting#1

Freestyle venting#1

A Poem by dead dreamer

People confuse me sometimes.
Insane love

Insane love

A Poem by dead dreamer

It says it all.
Minds wander#1

Minds wander#1

A Poem by dead dreamer

I don't know why I think of the things I do sometimes but it happens often and is usually fun to read.
Random rhymes#1

Random rhymes#1

A Poem by dead dreamer

Random thoughts I had.
art caption

art caption

A Poem by dead dreamer

My friend drew a picture and asked me to write a poem to go along with it and this flowed out.
Her bane

Her bane

A Poem by dead dreamer

You called me the thunder, you called me your bane. I gave you my heart and you just gave me pain. You hated me because I couldn't hate you. I witn..
Random past love. #1

Random past love. #1

A Poem by dead dreamer

It's describing how I felt when I was losing my mind.

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