Dennis Wolf

Dennis Wolf


Oh my liver... Oh my lasagne-syphus

🇭🇺Somewhere in a galaxy far.. Err no, actually I don't know myself
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About Me

Abandon all hope, yee who wanna read here 🤣
I'm a hobby writer with no particular flair for the craft, but I do have fun with it. The vast majority of my stuff is either fantasy or horror (both in content and later in realizing you actually read it 🤣) or, ideally, a mix of both.
Maybe I'll flip out the occasional "poem" not particularly keen on the stuff, it's weird with all of the funky limitations and fancy formats

Also, be warned, I'm not a native to this here language and I will make mistakes on occasion. 🤔Actually, let's flip that around... Occasionally, I won't create glaring mistakes 😁 yeah, yeah, I'm a cheeky b*****d and am likely to give you an undiluted, not sugarcoated opinion when reviewing, so keep in mind I'm just a stranger on the interwebs and one opinion isn't sufficient to measure your skill etcetera... Now, with the cheery peptalk out of the way... 🙄👀 I forgot what I was on about🤔 ehh, nevermind.


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Posted 3 Weeks Ago

Wow! That sounds formidable! I wish I was that imaginative. Just finished the first draft of my book and at 120,000 words, I haven't even begun to get close to where I aspire to be. I have such trouble imagining things! I struggle with every scene. How do you do it and keep it sounding so convincing? Yours is amazing stuff!

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Posted 3 Weeks Ago

How has the story shaping up...? I'll look forward to a read, when you decide to put up any chapters.

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Posted 3 Weeks Ago

It's been so long...Nice to see you on my page. But where is all your writing? I'd love to read some...


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Posted 1 Year Ago

Descriptive for sure but nicely done lol.

As for slow days...I think just enjoy the process. The mind has a mind of its own. It's a wonderful creature.

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Posted 1 Year Ago

I went through your posted pics. Really cool stuff. I loved Ash's look the best. Looking forward to seeing your visualization of Mjoln. Also great was the forest and the hooded guy with the red sword.

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Posted 1 Year Ago

Okay...Got that....

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Posted 1 Year Ago

Absolutely...I think its the desperation, the urgency of knowing its not going to last...Quite interesting...

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Posted 1 Year Ago

Unused Snippet 1...What happened to the twin's mum? As always, its a great fantasy read and one that I enjoyed. Loved the word, 'necromancer.' You have an Imagination!

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Posted 1 Year Ago

" generations come, then fade away into the blackness as swiftly as they had sparked to life, this goddess remains… "

Loved your chapter on Creativity. As always, it elicited an avalanche of thought and wonderment. So brief, so fleeting is life and so expansive, our dreams and desires. Till the stern Mom puts us to bed forever....

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Posted 1 Year Ago

Of course. A bit is lost in translation. But you still have great stuff to go with.
I'm curious now as you mentioned translation. Do you write in more than one language?