Laura Marie

Laura Marie


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About Me

Writing is my biggest passion. It is an addiction, almost like a drug for me. It always takes me a while to get started, but once I start, I never stop! I just continue on and on and let all my ideas slowly pour out on paper. Writing allows me to take my imagination wherever I want it to go. I am constantly thinking of new, different ideas for stories and poems in my head. My writing may not always be pretty, but it's what's going on in my mind, and some of it even reveals my deepest and darkest thoughts. As for me, I am almost 17, and currently in high school. When I graduate, I want to go to college in either California or Colorado, but I'm not completely sure what I want to do with my life yet, probably something involving writing or creativity. I am still continuing life's journey, and who know's what is about to unfold for me.