On his walk, Nick explores the underwater cave that he once swam at as a kid. Inside, he finds something that re-incites his adventure with Saja...
After Nick saved her, Saja finally awakes and informs Nick of a fatal mistake that she made...
While hunting for her, the new Saja captured Nick and the old Saja and captured them. Nick also finds that his friends from Ectoclis are still alive....
Nick and his friends from Ectoclis escaped Saja's prison complex in the chaos of the riot that Nick started. They are going to escape Hemlon... But fi..
Nick and his friends are going to blow up Hemlon, but first they need to evacuate all of the civilians!
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Compartment 114
Compartment 114
The civilians are safe and Hemlon is destroyed once and for all! Things are looking up, that is until Nick gets hit with blood withdrawal...
Nick commits a horrible dead while under blood withdrawal. Nick finds a strange password that opens Saja's Vault...
Nick enters Saja's Vault and finds what she is keeping inside. However, Saja finds him in there while he is trying to steal what she is keeping in her..
Nick, Along with the Vampire Council, travel to Ectoclis to stop Saja from changing the fate of the worlds. She has already summoned the Black Reqrium..
Nick and the Vampire Council battle Saja and the Black Reqrium. After subduing the Vampire Council, Saja wants the pleasure of killing Nick herself. J..