daveyboygreen : Writing

Leonard Cohen Salad

Leonard Cohen Salad

A Poem by daveyboygreen

I remember how you saved me I was soporific salad debris in the kitchen destined as a Leonard Cohen ballad but to wither.
Breathing as a kettle (The dance of the ever faithless kiss)

Breathing as a kettle (The dance of the ever faith..

A Poem by daveyboygreen

The clap splits The cuss And clash Behind the eyes The night As insulating as rabbit muffs Traps And tricks So never let our quickstep slip ..
A Clang of Trumpet Blue

A Clang of Trumpet Blue

A Poem by daveyboygreen

Each purple gladiolae petal furls and folds in royal Grecian velvet strokes as bluebells drip in life, in dripping life upon the teatime shadow ..
You Were My Carmen

You Were My Carmen

A Poem by daveyboygreen

You had the curves of an Opera singer's words A melody upon my eyes of heavily sueded lids so kissed as if Etta James had slowly licked your ca..
before I wear my trousers rolled

before I wear my trousers rolled

A Poem by daveyboygreen

in these clothes in these clothes in the rain on tuesday's wrinkled nose I grow old for my lazy sunday guitar shows I never wear the bottoms of m..

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