Darren Dumas

Darren Dumas


I'm the new guy 'round these parts...


Sacramento, CA
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About Me

I'm a mid 40's family guy who gave up adrenaline junkie careers serving in the military and chasing bad guys to settle down and be a regular family guy - and it was the best decision I ever made! I am a martial artist for life and military history enthusiast who enjoys the outdoors, sports, literary and artistic pursuits and virtually anything that doesn't get in the way of my first love - my family. Wrote one unpublished book and on my way to finishing a second. I also enjoy writing poetry (haiku) and short stories.

I am an avid, lifelong student and licensed martial arts teacher. My school is the Bujinkan Ryuuko Hikan Dojo (www.freewebs.com/shinobiwolf) based out of Sacramento, CA (USA).

I have my own Facebook Fan Page for my literary pursuits at Feel free to visit it and leave comments, Likes or gripes!

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