B. Lee Leger (Thug-Angel) : Writing

Piece by piece

Piece by piece

A Poem by B. Lee Leger (Thug-Angel)..

As I face my fate of that I may see just don't underestimate me. Sacrifice an ally to gain rival's.
Modern astrology

Modern astrology

A Chapter by B. Lee Leger (Thug-Angel)..

Through the ancient astronomical sign of Osiris and astrology sign the snake bearing Ophiuchus form the 13th month through the leep year based through..
Straight jacket

Straight jacket

A Poem by B. Lee Leger (Thug-Angel)..

Through the full moon's gloom I only assume a once flaming sun renaming the shining further reminding and defining a dead planet through each new risi..
Glass roots

Glass roots

A Poem by B. Lee Leger (Thug-Angel)..

As the people's army begin marching thru the streets searching for their social salvation. An opportunity for reflection passes the need for the futur..
Black rose

Black rose

A Poem by B. Lee Leger (Thug-Angel)..

As the one sided truth has already been decided as all poetry gathered is the proof that only mattered. As every night comes a new day my tenth yea..
The vigorous

The vigorous

A Poem by B. Lee Leger (Thug-Angel)..

Through the vowed mission they stay committed to the forbidden day as they bow in submission un-buried upon the ground they shall lay. Through the..
Alien tears

Alien tears

A Poem by B. Lee Leger (Thug-Angel)..

Resurrected through worlds of past beings the visions of the last kingdoms fall from great meanings by such fate brought to its end. By the bloodshed ..
God's & Princes

God's & Princes

A Chapter by B. Lee Leger (Thug-Angel)..

The head of the Dragon with a mortal head wound.
Scroll of Michael

Scroll of Michael

A Chapter by B. Lee Leger (Thug-Angel)..

Through divine summoned sunshine to deplete mankind the darkness is mine. As weary winds echo ethereal pain I remain infinite as humbled to the reign...
Gameo Lahpa

Gameo Lahpa

A Chapter by B. Lee Leger (Thug-Angel)..

As the nocturnal guise is eternal as the sun's immortal rise. As Juno is the prophet to the God of Mars forever counting all the divines stars. As the..

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