Scarlet Black

Scarlet Black


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Los Angeles, CA
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About Me

Making a real connection with another writer is almost as difficult as finding a soulmate...

I write raw - I explore the dark and the dangerous. The stories I write are sensual and dark. Sometimes shocking. Sometimes violent. I like to lose control when I write. There are no boundaries when I write - why should there be? Our daily lives are filled with boundaries and lines we just cannot cross - thoughts we can never express. I am fearless and I do not hesitate to express what's on my mind - or what's burning in my soul. I hold nothing back. How many people do you know can do this?

Writers like us are are often misunderstood...Most people,they just don't "get" us, especially if you like to explore the darker things. Most people, they can never go as deep as we can...Feel as deeply as we feel...Whether it's pain or pleasure...For them It's quite simplistic...But for us...For a writer...It's so much more...

Us creative types, we wear our hearts out on our sleeves...We feel deeper than most...We see things differently...We touch the pain inside of us and although it hurts like hell we feel that pain with every fiber of our being...That very pain is what makes us so beautiful...

That very passion is what frightens the simple minded...

Tell me, when you write do you hold nothing back? Do you let go?
Do you give into your darkest desires? Your deepest pains? Do you dance with your demons? I do...

Put two creative souls together and well, the possibilities are endless...

What are your thoughts?
Let's connect and talk about it...


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Posted 16 Years Ago

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