Dante Carlisle

Dante Carlisle


audentes fortuna adjuvat

Chesterfield, MO
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About Me

I published my third novel last Christmas. Working on the fourth, but fair warning none of them are connected. So if you're looking for a stand alone novel to read, check out Regret Nothing, Hiding Blind, or Dire Hope by Dante Carlisle. My first novel Hiding Blind has a number of chapters included on this site. I hope you enjoy!

I have been in love with writing since I discovered that letters make words. From that moment on, I have been trying to piece those words together to make something meaningful. I don't know if I'll ever succeed, but I'll never stop trying.

Fair warning, I don't do read requests for poems. I know nothing about poetry, and won't scar your poems with a critique born of ignorance. I love stories, so send a read request for a story or book, and I'll gladly review!


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Posted 9 Years Ago

Wow, sorry I've been gone so long everyone. If you noticed. As always I'll be around doing some rather hard critiques, so if you want to improve your writing rather than have someone tell you how pretty it is, I'm always up for a story. Not so great with poetry, so fair warning, it doesn't always get read by me. Stories always welcome, and hopefully I catch some good ones!

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Posted 10 Years Ago

First story is out there.