Max Murphy

Max Murphy


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I'm part of a small writing community which has proved an excellent resource and improved my writing considerably....

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You got another two-sentence review.
It’s messy, misspelled, and the second sentence is just a demand that you look at the reviewer’s writing.

When was the last time someone gave you more than a scrap of useful advice? And no, telling you that your grammar is off doesn’t count as a “in-depth constructive criticism.”
A writer’s best nightmare.
A new look at your writing with brutally detailed critiques.
Each review covers multiple aspects like dialogue, characters, plot, credibility, structure, and more. Find out what you’re doing wrong off the page as well as on it.

Learn the why, when, how, and where of all your flaws.
Get advice on how to fix them and how to avoid them for good.

What You Get:
-600-1000 word reviews from the Admin.
-300 words from each member.
-Only members see your writing.
-Edit your story? You'll get fresh reviews on it from other members and the Admin.
-Interaction outside your genre.
-Critique others and improve your ability to see flaws.
-Eager readers will encourage you to write often and finish what you start.

Sounds good?
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Good luck!


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hey, Max! Good to see you. Thank you so much for your review of my poem. You've given me some good tips to think about. I hope you're well. :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

My comments on 'show' are not restricted to this site, nor is it just personal opinion, it's a universal writing point. You, as the writer have final say no matter what, so stick with your instinct.

Thanks, Max

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Posted 14 Years Ago

I have thought a lot about your reviews they are very stunning to me but some bits what you wrote I could easily argue about. I mean people have different ways of reading things. You say that most people on this website like to read stories that show them images instead of being told whats happening like what you said about in my chapter 1. You said ‘I slumped against the wall, sinking into the floral wallpaper, just gazing at the opposite wall’ would be better but sorry I'm the opposite to that I like to be told not to be showed. I know being showed is like watching a movie when your reading it. But if you knew me you would know I am not a big movie fan. I rarely watch television

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Thanks for your helpful reviews on my poems. It's taken me a long tiome to get back to you because my internet hasn't been working very well. I will get back to you on your writes