One Minute: Chapter OneThe Story of a NobodyIn the late hours of the old, dying day, twilight had wrapped his cloak around the state of Ohio. The curr..
One Minute: Chapter TwoNight Time MemoriesThe time it took for Drake to drive from the place he worked to his house was, on average, 25 minutes. For t..
One Minute Chapter Three
What? What? WHAT?
Usually, whenever something rather strange happens that can't be
explained by one person, th..
One Minute: Chapter FourTick, Tock, Boom!The feeling of spikes, or anything sharp for that matter, being
pressed against one's throat is not pleasant..
A little bit of news about One Minute
For all of those who have something to protest about.
We all have voices in our heads that try to shatter us
Dedicated to all of those who feel unloved
A poem about the Imagination
My attempt at honoring Edgar Allan Poe