Exclusiveis the word
thats all they really are
rich,conceited, exclusivegirls
theyruinthose who aren't
and make those who are
they are like arose..
Life of a teen is fun, but sometimes it isn't all it's cut out to be.
This is the background of the story of Valerie, Danielle, and Skylar.
The background of their lives, that will set the story of the rest of the book.
Skylar doesn't know where every is. Usually, people hang out by the football field, but where are they?
Skylar has been having mood swings ever since her audition for the Old Navy commercial. But when she gets a call from someone mysterious, Skylar soon ..
A new girl, Evelyn shows up at Jackson High. =O
Danielle wants to know what really happened that day.
Skylar and Danielle meet up at Starbucks, and discuss everything that has happened.
Danielle and Kira plot against dumb ole Tommy.