Dallisa <3

Dallisa <3


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Long Beach, CA
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Hey..I'm Dallisa. I'm really bad at
the whole describing myself thing so
if you want to know something about
me just message me. Love to write and read other
peoples stuff so keep the read requests


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Posted 14 Years Ago

christmas myspace comments

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Dear Writer,

it is my wishes that you have a wonderful Valentine's Day. Whether you have one or not, my words are always here to strengthen and encourage as a writer and a friend.

Happy Valentine's Day.

S. W. Scaggs

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Posted 15 Years Ago

May you have a safe holiday. Have a very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I see so you must be seing the amusing side to my comment by now oh dear nekolas got it wrong so sorry i hope things will turn around real soon whatever the circumstances and yes the apartment is looking top notch.

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Posted 15 Years Ago

I see wel i guess your special bond might have been broken and you just want to put humpty dumpty back together again (pieces of a broken dream spring to mind)

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Posted 15 Years Ago

You are very welcome for my comment about your poem

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Thanks for the add =). Read some of your stuff and reviewed them. Enjoy!

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Posted 15 Years Ago

Danny O'Dare
by Shel Silverstein

Danny O'Dare, the dancin' bear,
Ran away from the County Fair,
Ran right up to my back stair
And thought he'd do some dancin' there.
He started jumpin' and skippin' and kickin',
He did a dance called the Funky Chicken,
He did the Polka, he did the Twist,
He bent himself into a pretzel like this.
He did the Dog and the Jitterbug,
He did the Jerk and the Bunny Hug.
He did the Waltz and the Boogaloo,
He did the Hokey-Pokey too.
He did the Bop and the Mashed Potata,
He did the Split and the See Ya Later.
And now he's down upon one knee,
Bowin' oh so charmingly,
And winkin' and smilin'--it's easy to see
Danny O'Dare wants to dance with me.